Friday, April 25, 2008

Do I Have an Accent?

I have not been told I have a Texas accent yet....Thank goodness...But today as I drove up to the window of Burger House, the guy in the window said, "Let me are from Australia, Right?" I had a look of confusion on my face and said, "No." He stated that he just knew I had to be from Australia due to my accent he heard when I ordered my food. So funny!!! I will confess that I do change voices in my classroom for my students to make them giggle, but I hardly ever change voices out in public. I thought I used my "normal, sounding voice" this evening. When I started my job here in the Dallas area, a bunch of teachers asked if I was from up North due to my accent. What? Do I really have an accent? Last, but not least, I have been told that I sound like I am from New York. Whatever...I just know I was born in El Paso, TX and lived in NM for most of my life. Who knows? What do I sound like to you? I think my Dad sometimes sounds like he is from Mexico. :)


Sherah said...

That's funny! Maybe you do change your voice and don't even know it. :) I have never been told that I sounded different or had and accent. You should do it sometimes, just to make your day more interesting. lol, that would be funny.

Sarah D said...

You definitely don't sound like a Texan, hehe. :) Most people guess that I'm not from around here... I get a lot of "you're from up north, aren't you?"

You have good pronunciation... that's anti-Texan. :)