Thursday, June 12, 2008

Something I Desire

" You and I want God to be able to look on us amid our overindulged, self-absorbed culture, then glance to His right and say, ' She has an extraordinary spirit, doesn't she, Son?' Perhaps Christ will nod His head and, while thinking the thoughts of an anxious bridegroom, lean over and say, 'And isn't she beautiful?' " ~Beth Moore

I am captivated by the love the Lord has for us. In response, we can either choose to serve Him or walk away. We can either choose to die for His Name's Sake or walk away. We can either choose to dig deep into the Word daily or walk away. We can either choose to Glorify Him or walk away. We can either choose to climb into His lap or walk away. We can either choose do the best in everything that has been put before us or walk away.

My desire is to live an extrodinary life for Christ because this life is His life I am living. Why walk away?


The Green Family said...

That is beautiful Tal! You are so right!!

How are you? you look like you had an eventful trip. I love nashville and that area. too fun. i think i am coming to dallas this summer some time, so we all get together. have a great weekend!!